Tradebox – CryptoCurrency Buy Sell and Trading Software. Tradebox is for the cryptocurrency trading and selling.even you can request for buy and sell at a specific price. There have withdrawal and deposit option.
Features :
#1 Trading platform on Cryptocurrency
Cryptocurrency buy and sell system
Exchange the coin
you can add your own coin
You can select given 2300 + Coins in the system
You can create Coin Market
You can Pair the Coin Market
Payment gateway added of Paypal, Payeer, Gourl,Stripe and mobile Money
Transaction Setup System
You can Limit your user of withdraw and transfer money
Here have live chat in exchange page
Email and SMS system for deposit and withdraw
100% Secure Payment and Trading System
Responsive website with Exchange Dashboard
Customer can see his open trade
Customer can see his trade history
Customer can withdraw or transfer money
And many More…
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