
FarmFactory – Ethereum assets staking & yield farming 2.0.20


The simplest way to allow your users to deposit ERC20 tokens (from example USDT) using a simple “Deposit/Withdraw” interface and earn (farm) rewards. You can use your own ERC20 tokens or use existing –

Just place [farmFactory] shortcode onto your WordPress page

Simple usage. “Stake USDT, farm USDT”. Use the same erc20 address as staking and reward token to create an interest rate. Advanced usage. “Stake ASSET, farm ASSET2”. Use different erc20 addresses as staking and reward tokens (for example to bring liquidity in pair of your token on uniswap).

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Original price was: $699.00.Current price is: $51.99.

  • Version / Updated :
    26 June 21 - v2.0.20